


Sorry for the late status post. I was in this hospital this morning from 4:00 a.m. to 8:00 due to a complication with my medication. I spent the rest of the day recovering. (I’m okay)

Argentrock Isle (sort of…)

Reference: Argentrock Isle

Another Loubet illustration today. This one is from Ultima VIII, the game my mother wouldn’t let play as a kid because it had a pentagram on it. >_>

Anyway, I took some liberties with this one. And by “liberties” I mean “I didn’t do a good job of planning and proportions went to hell.” Oh well. I really wanted to draw the clouds but I didn’t leave enough room for them. Derp.

Keep Britannia Clean – Send the Gargoyles Back!


Original Keep Britannia Clean Scroll - Ultima 7

Original Keep Britannia Clean Scroll – Ultima 7

This is from scrolls found in Ultima VII: The Black Gate. I’ve wanted to make this poster for pretty much a decade now. The idea first occurred to my in printmaking when I was at Ball State. I wanted to hang these all over campus but I never got around to it before transferring. Nearly a decade later, I finally made it!

The subtext here is Richard Garriott addressing racism in the world that he created, Britannia. I always thought the race issue in Ultima VII was very powerful as it was one of the many threads of life and realism he was able to weave into his simulations.

Original gargoyle artwork by Denis Loubet from the Ultima IX instruction manual. I modified it a bit to make them look more evil. The font is Free Press from DaFont. The parchment is is from DeviantArt’s Empty-Dreams and can be found here.

(If you’re curious, I have a DeviantArt entry for this poster here.)