Argentrock Isle (sort of…)

Reference: Argentrock Isle

Another Loubet illustration today. This one is from Ultima VIII, the game my mother wouldn’t let play as a kid because it had a pentagram on it. >_>

Anyway, I took some liberties with this one. And by “liberties” I mean “I didn’t do a good job of planning and proportions went to hell.” Oh well. I really wanted to draw the clouds but I didn’t leave enough room for them. Derp.

Mr. Thorse

References: Mr. Horse (of course), Thor’s Helmet, Mjölnir 1, Mjölnir 2

Yesterday during lunch, I was conversing with some of the new hires about the drawings and calligraphy I do around the office. I asked a particular person what she wanted to have drawn on her white board and she said,

“A tiger! Or a horse!”

I struggled to come up with a silly portmanteau for tiger and horse, but it wasn’t happening. Then the other person we were sitting with blurted out,


This, of course, cracked my shit up and filled me with ridiculous mental images. Turns out, there already is a somewhat popular Thorse image out there, but I like mine better.

If I could do it again, I would changed the text to “I didn’t smite it” instead of “I won’t smite it.” *shrug* For those of you that don’t get the reference, first of all, shame on you. Second of all, here, watch this.

Little Sketches! (Dragon, Runes, Serpent, Skeleton, Sword)

References: Sword, Skeleton, Ultima VII Runes

Today’s sketches are on lots of little pieces. You’ll see why on Friday. 😉

The Fabulous Dragon is an original sketch, the runes are an interpretation from the Ultima VII pixel graphics, the sword is based loosely on a Denis Loubet illustration, the skeleton is based strongly on a Denis Loubet illustration, and the long serpent is just a silly version of a silver serpent.